Thursday, March 23, 2006

Eccentrics should better be off left bachelors

Bachelor is proud. Bachelor is fearless. Carefree, careless. Untidy, immature.

Married is conservative. Married is stable. Sensible and controlled. Thinks twice.

Bachelor is restless. Looks at savings account balance everyday. Married looks at the grocery bill every day!

Bachelor thinks married is jealous of him. Who knows, he may really be.

thinks there are reasons for the jealousy.

You have no one to answer. No one to adjust with. Just don't get up from bed till noon and no one sweeping around pretending irritation, hissing out frustration announcing in every molecule of it "Get up you idiot so that I can clean-up around". No one to force you to shut off the light and stop you from late nite channel surfing or internet browsing.

No one to share your wallet, your moods, your way of life and the seat of your bike. Yes, there is handful reasons to cheer about bachelor-hood. No one to complain about the dirty toilet, smoky drawing room or smelly kitchen. Everyone has a right to live in ones own way, is n't it ? Why should one be so judgemental about somebody ? Why should I mould the way I live in the way she wants me to live ??

I have had enough wax-smile already. I don't want to have more.
Like I don't have enough show-off relatives already, why should I double them by marrying ? Why should I invite my married colleagues to dinner just because they have been inviting me to their place to show off their wife's prettiness. No. I can't do that.

I can't pretend happy when I am sad. I can't change the channel when I am really enjoying a show. I can't always wear a mask. If I am not, what I am, I can't survive. Good or bad, I am the way I am. I ain't no perfectionist, I don't want to improve myself at the cost of me.

Well. Sometimes the vacant back seat sucks. There are somethings I want to share with. Some stupid talks I want to do with someone. Somethings I would not express to my parents, my siblings and not even to my best friends; Something which does not have logic, still makes sense to me. Some stupid talk. And then I think, if only there was a company, who was intimate enough to listen to my illogical talks and were not judgemental. Digest my unmelodious hums and does n't tell to shut up.

I think thats the reason they invented marriage.

1 comment:

Clarity Vs Eccentricity said...

Just stumbled over your write up. Admire the way you have written. Though your seems to be a bit confused about the whole issue.. yet the confusion is well described! Kudos..